b'Business Cards and eMail SignaturesIn many ways, our business cards and email signatures are our most fundamental brand introduction piece.Thats why weve developed email signature templates for use by Rayonier, Matariki Forests and Raydient employees. [The sample shown on the next page illustrates how that signature appears when used by a fictional employee of our Greater Georgia Resource Unit (Main)]. Contact Rayonier Communications for the template for your location that you can easily customize with your name, title and/or group, and office and mobile phone numbers.In 2018, Rayonier Communications also initiated the design of new business cards, as shown below. Our goal was to ensure that all employees with a Rayonier card in their pockets carried a consistent, powerful piece of our brand with them everywhere they go. Business card specs are shown in the diagram, but Rayonier Communications also maintains a master template to make quick work of the design and production of new cards.22 OUR VISUAL IDENTITY Rayonier'